Inner Strength – Online Shamanic Cacao Ceremony
Thursday 10th Nov
17:00 – 19:00 CET (Spain)
Online Zoom
Booking in advance required
Price: 33 Euros
Ignite, Connect, Awaken ………
Join us in this online sacred circle and living altar and take part in this guided Cacao Ceremony from the comfort of your home. You will be supported to prepare a sacred space and your own ceremonial cacao so that you can journey into the deepness of your being.
These gatherings are sacred spaces where you can come to be still, connect to your heart and your body through a guided cacao ceremony. You are invited and safely guided to let go of stress, fears and limitations, creating space to listen to what’s happening inside you, inviting intuition and guidance to emerge.
We will provide you with a preparation guide once you book the ceremony. You can also purchase our ceremonial kit which contains all the elements that you need for the ceremony and to set up your sacred space at home
Link for Ceremony kit