The Initiation

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The Initiation


Shamanic initiation through the medicine wheel with ceremonial cacao.

Partial payment of 518.00 per item
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The Initiation

 Shamanic initiation through the medicine wheel with ceremonial cacao.

Embodying the frequency of this heart expensive medicinal plant as one with your own frequency. Tapping into the spirit of the plant to be able to use it for yourself in your own ceremony and rituals.


In this 1:1 Shamanic container, you will be journeying with cacao as a way of life. Lets activate the sacred medicine wheel without and within so that we can connect with the sacredness of the cacao medicine with deepness, devotion and reverence. Stepping into the way of the feminine, the pathway of the heart thought Cacao.


We will experience the medicine wheel which lives in our internal fabric and in nature. The inner medicine wheel is composed by the Inner family ( Below) and external wheel by the elements. Cacao has the potential to connect us deeply to these inner and other structures so that we can become whole.
Cacao is the medicine to journey through the cycles of life. The north start path of the heart

This includes:

  • 8 weeks
  • 4 Face to Face gatherings – Activations
  • 1 Online – Opening Ceremony – creating the altar, the container, welcoming spirit
  • 1 Online- roots application
  • 1 kilo ceremonial cacao and ceremonial kit
  • Text Support via Telegraph – Weekly Wednesday to Friday

Payment agreement:
3 payments of €518 Over 3 months

Disclaimer: This is not a cacao facilitator programme. This is a programme for you to activate and integrate the cosmogony of the plant with you.

This is for one of the 3 payments


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